Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dyed Fabric and Paper Towels

 These are pictures of my hand dyed fabric and paper towels that were done at the fiber art day at Deanie Jone's workshop. Below is a pic of paper towels that we used to clean up and blot spills etc. Everyone generously handed me their paper towels when they were finished with them. I salvaged some from the trash. My mind was spinning from ideas of how I would use these. I think they will be great to include when I make handmade paper cloth. I could get hooked on dyeing fabric, but then when would I sew?

This pic is of a linen fabric I had found in my stash. The dye colors came out great.
 These fabrics below are white Kona cottons and PFD fabric I used for dyeing.

Fiber Art Group Fun Day

 Recently our fiber art group met at the home of Deanie Jones for a day of dyeing fabric. Below left is Mary Lee Tennant and Deanie Jones on the right. Deanie graciously hosted the group in her fabulous workshop near Boerne, TX. Deanie supplied the dyes and generous instructions and helpful hints. Each person supplied their own fabrics, cottons, linens and silks.

Below, taking a break from the dye processing is, S.J. Derby and Terry Drake. I wish I had taken a picture of Deanie's workshop. It is a fiber artist's dream. I will publish some pictures of my finished dyed fabric in the next post.